Learn more about ActiveX

What are ActiveX controls?
Learn how ActiveX controls are an important part of delivering a quality experience on many popular websites.Learn More
How to troubleshoot ActiveX?
Find out how to safely troubleshoot ActiveX issues, problems and common errors with the help of our Wizard. Learn More
Are ActiveX controls a security risk?
Learn about safely running ActiveX controls and safety precautions you need to take to protect yourself against malicious ActiveX controls. Learn More

What is ActiveX?

You could look at ActiveX as the digital "crew" working behind the scenes in the production of your Internet experience—every video you watch, every piece of music you listen to, every browser game you play is likely to be dependent on these controls. When your "backstage crew" is up to date and in shape, everything runs smoothly for the performance. When it's not, the performance of your Internet experience suffers: unexpected crashes, reduction in speed and incompatibility with new applications are likely to occur. Install ActiveX Test Wizard now to make sure your "backstage crew" is up to the task.


Why You Need it

The Internet is a constantly-evolving platform. The technology behind streaming videos and music and offering browser-based games continuously improves to offer greater clarity, faster speed and uninterrupted enjoyment of what the Internet has to offer. If your computer isn't compatible with the latest versions of the Active X tools, your Internet experience will suffer. If you have unexplained problems,such as your computer freezing while connected to the Internet or your media experience being constantly interrupted by slowdowns, run a Microsoft ActiveX test and you will likely solve the issues.

Another reason to test ActiveX is to get ahold of potential security issues ASAP. While these tools are usually safe to run, particularly brazen cyber criminals can attack your computer using with outdated loopholes if you’re not up to date with the latest security precautions. It is critical to update ActiveX to avoid these breaches in the ActiveX plugin, which can allow criminals to "fish" your information by monitoring your Internet activity.


The ActiveX Test

Our Test Wizard is extremely user-friendly. Simply select the Internet Explorer ActiveX (Unfortunately, ActiveX Firefox is not available), double click on the application and run the program. While you let the program work, it will scan for potential security problems and other reasons for crashes and slowdowns caused by ActiveX controls. Sometimes the solution found is as simple as adjusting your browser security to insure that the latest version of Active X is provided to your computer whenever there is an update. Other times, our Wizard can alert you to potential restrictions placed on websites you want to browse that can save you from getting hacked.

Learn more about our Test Wizard and why testing your browser controls on a regular basis can mean the difference between security and identity theft, and between using the Internet at its full potential and experiencing frequent crashes and slow downs. Having ActiveX control helps you to evaluate and catch any and all potential ActiveX problems before it’s too late.


Developing Progress and Security

Activex Developing Company has created a couple of software solutions that are used for a website where you can play casino games. Activex Test is a software, developed for alpha testing. Check Activex is great for the scheduled check to see if your online casino site has all the security features turned on and if the site is safe for your clients to play their favorite slots games.

We are also developing software for mobile casino safety diagnostics. Our database is updating every day, and our consumers can update their safety features every Friday.

You can install our free version on your desktop PC and run diagnostics on your internet browsers for security checks. In our post About Microsoft Activex, you can find a guide on how to allow ActiveX in IE. For any additional information, feel free to contact us at any time.


Test Your Active X Now

If you browse the web with Internet Explorer, you’ll regret not testing your Active X controls on a regular basis. To properly run all of the applications you use on a daily basis, you need to make sure your computer is compatible with the most up-to-date version of the tools and, if it is not, fix ActiveX with the update to detect any looming ActiveX error. The Active X Test works with Internet Explorer only because Active X is a Microsoft-created set of tools. Try our Test Wizard now and fix all ActiveX issues currently plaguing your computer.

Download ActiveX Test Wizard instantly from our website.

Test Test to see if your computer is properly configured to download, install and use ActiveX controls.
Fix With our Wizard showing you the steps, it is easy to solve ActiveX issues and problems.
Success! Once completed, you'll be able to run ActiveX controls easily and safely.
Test ActiveX